SHGT Productions

Like most things, it began as an idea.
An idea that grew into a story, and that story blossomed into a community. Super Happy Good Time Productions is first and foremost a community. A community of passionate gamers, artists, writers, cosplayers, and all manner of other creative technicians who are looking for a way to share their passions with the wider world.

This endeavor begins with The Doomed City of Granitegard and ends only when there is no one left interested in hearing our stories.

Get in touch →

  • Creative Director

    Will Gaberle found what would become a lifelong passion for gaming at the age of 12. First introduced to role playing games with Dungeons & Dragons in 1985, thirty-eight years of wonderful adventures with friends have only made his love for the hobby grow. Having played and run dozens of different systems, Will enjoys the unpredictable nature of telling a story with his players. He hopes you will find the tale we have to tell filled with memorable characters and a story that makes you want to find out what happens next!

  • Producer

    James is a genetically modified cyborg from the future, who's been sent back in time as part of the, “Super-Happy Good Time Initiative,” a Special Operation of the TEDF (Terran Empire Defense Force) tasked with ensuring that tabletop gaming survives into the 52nd century (for the good of human psychology and to promote social cohesion between the Empire and the recently repatriated, separatist planets).

    Jokes aside, James is a family man with a love for the arts and a penchant for gaming. In his free time, James GM’s TTRPG’s for friends, family, and paid clientele. As a Cherokee, tribal citizen, he brings his indigenous perspective to the tabletop, seeking to create experiences that are not only fun, but are inclusive and culturally sensitive.

    Having spent most of his life working in various facets of the entertainment industry, he brings his well-rounded experiences in theater, radio, television, and live music to bear as the Producer of Super Happy Good Time Productions.

  • Community Manager

    As a day job, Roger serves as a Wellness Coordinator at The Ohio State University. In this role, Roger regularly presents to large seminars and small classrooms alike - bringing together his passion for public health and medicine into the college setting. Along with general presentations, Roger has hosted a radio show and previously advised a college improv group. In his current position, he sporadically runs a D&D campaign for members of the Collegiate Recovery Community at OSU.

    Outside of work, Roger is an active member of the TTRPG community at Guardtower East - running several games at the store and playing in even more. At home, he spends his free time binging Netflix with his wife Rachel and cuddling with their dog (Ghost) and cat (Binx).

    Roger manages the Discord server and website, in addition to the community at large.

Meet the Team