
By day, Joe is a science communicator and museum educator. His is an evolutionary biologist and paleontologist by training and has participated in fossil excavations in the U.S. and Morocco. He draws upon an extensive theater, public speaking, and vocal background to share his passion with science with the public.

Besides a few Dungeons and Dragons sessions in high school, Joe is relatively new to the hobby. He started playing again at the start of the pandemic, like many people. Playing table top role-playing games, even virtually, helped connect to friends both near and far. Now he has three years of experience as a player and DM. He loves creating engaging characters, especially by drawing on his experience to give the character a unique voice.

When not adventuring through Granitegard, Joe enjoys cooking, gardening, hiking, and building LEGO sets with his kids. He also hosts a podcast called An Hour of Our Time. Unlike his character, Joe is a family man. He has a wife and two kids. They share their house with two dogs and Galactus the tortoise. Joe is honored to join this amazing cast to bring the world of Granitegard to you.

The Reverend Goodberries

The man calling himself the Reverend Goodberries is quite the enigma. Some would say he is a charlatan or a conman. Others would praise him as a miracle worker and touched by the divine, swearing by his healing tonics and the good fortune of his blessed trinkets. Whatever the case, no two towns can seem to agree the details of his past. Each testimony the Reverend has delivered is filled with as much earnest conviction as it is contradictions from one little hamlet to the next.

Yet no matter how far he had managed distanced himself from his humble beginnings, his past was able to find him again. How anyone was able to track him down, let alone connect him to the developments occurring in Newtown has shaken the Reverend Goodberries to his core. And so, he finds himself returning the Northern Territories. Back to the town that rests in the shadows of the doomed City of Granitegard.

Character Artwork created by VRtrash @vr.trash