
Chelsea has been playing D&D for the past 6 years and has loved collaborative storytelling her whole life. When she’s not slinging dice and warhammers, she spends her time with her husband Jesse, and their mountain of pets. She’s so excited to be a part of this story and can't wait to share it with you!

Ana Icarissia Genovissia Adnostrium

Born into a life of wealth and privilege, Ana’s world was shattered on the night Granitegard fell. Forced to flee to the Concordance of the Silverplains in hopes of a new life, what little wealth and possessions that her parents had been able to escape with was quickly syphoned off into the pockets of the less than scrupulous merchants and landlords. Like vultures, the swindlers of every conceivable fashion emerged to pick over the bones of the multitude of refugees seeking sanctuary. Falling into the depths of poverty, Ana’s family had no way to escape their spiraling misfortune.

Blessed with an unbreakable warrior’s spirit, Ana’s determination and prowess were quickly brought to the attention of the owner of a gladiator stable. Under the tutelage of a disgraced paladin, she learned how to be more than just a fighter.

But her fate was not to be decided on the sands of the arena. Leaving the clutches of the Concordance’s corruption, she has returned to her former home. But she has not done so without a plan. The means to her ends lie somewhere within the doomed City of Granitegard, and nothing will prevent her from reaching her objective.

Character Artwork created by VRtrash @vr.trash